beautiful tarot and oracle decks
beautiful tarot and oracle decks 2024
beautiful tarot and oracle decks
beautiful tarot and oracle decks 2024

Kino Tarot Winter Bundle | 2024

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Prisma Visions Tarot and Your Wise Animal Body Oracle are the Winter Tarot and Oracle decks selected by Kino. Check out all the cards in the deck by visiting the decks' link. Prisma Visions Tarot and Your Wise Animal Body Oracle


All levels of readers will love it -- "I find both of these decks to be wonderfully accessible for all levels of reading cards, and all stages in the spiritual journey.

The Prisma Visions Tarot has a compact and easy-to-understand guidebook, with each card's passage explaining the artwork and the meaning of the card. It is written in practical language with clear, applicable guidance. You don’t need prior spiritual knowledge to understand what the cards are telling you. In addition, the guidebook states that there is no right or wrong way to use the Prisma Visions Tarot, and encourages the user to explore and see what meanings they come up with. Each suit in the minor arcana creates a continuous panoramic image when the cards are laid out side by side, and the user is invited to spend time viewing the whole picture or different parts of it in order to gain a deeper understanding of the suit’s message. This invitation reassures users of all levels that they can trust whatever their intuition reveals to them through this deck.

As for the Your Wise Animal Body oracle, I love that it presents spiritual wisdom as existing within ourselves, rather than something on the outside that we have to search for. That’s a very empowering truth. In this overstimulating digital age, with all kinds of different information coming at us a million miles an hour, it is easy for our inner wisdom to be drowned out. I think we all could use some help in not only coming back to our bodies, but in learning to respect and validate what they are telling us. This is such an important step in connecting to Spirit that you can take, regardless of how much spiritual knowledge or experience you have.

To a newcomer in spirituality, things like connecting with Spirit Guides can seem a bit ‘’out-there’’ and hard to grasp, but everyone can take a moment to be still and listen to their body. Each card comes with a practical exercise to connect with your body, as well as questions for reflection and a mantra for affirmation. Both decks provide a great opportunity for the exploration of self."

Winter is a time for reflection and planning -- "Winter is such an exciting time of year because we get to plan and prepare for a new cycle. It’s an important stage of resting and processing the year just passed. If we embrace the stillness of winter, we will gain important insights that inform our vision for the next cycle. This is the time to slow down, reflect, and make changes to our plans if necessary. In December/January, I like to reflect on the goals that I set in previous years and assess whether they are still important to me — and for the ones that are important, whether my current habits and lifestyle are a reflection of that.

I think that sometimes we set goals because our mind likes the idea of it, but the reality of that goal (and the process of getting there) is not actually what our body wants or needs. The Your Wise Animal Body oracle is a great tool to get centered and see what your body is truly asking for. I find this to be such a grounding and relaxing process; it reminds me of the simplicity of what we need to be truly happy. Then, from this place, you can pull some cards from the Prisma Visions tarot to get straightforward, practical advice on each of your goals. It’s nice to ask the questions out loud, and have them resonate in your chest."

Let's look at some of my favorites -- "I love the whole suit of Pentacles in the Prisma Visions Tarot — the panoramic image from the Ace to the 10 of pentacles is so beautiful and moving. My favorite card from the Your Wise Animal Body oracle is ‘’Nature (Analog),’’ and I especially love it with the 10 of pentacles. The Prisma Visions guidebook describes the 10 of pentacles as harvesting the fruits of your labour, enjoying earthly comforts, and maintaining what you have already achieved rather than diving into the next thing. Meanwhile, the ‘’Nature (Analog)’’ oracle card reminds us that much of the life most of us currently live is so far-removed from our human nature. It highlights the importance of grounding, connecting to our inherent worth, and prioritizing our inner peace and inner truth amidst the chaos of an increasingly fast-paced digital world.

Social media can easily convince you that all you have and all you’ve achieved will never be enough, that you have to keep striving for more and more, that you’re in competition with everyone. The message of this oracle card is a beautiful antidote to that illusion. And that’s what makes these cards such a perfect combination — they make you feel abundant and worthy as you are, and give you permission to choose comfort and contentment."

Hi! I’m KINO ♈️☀️♊️🌙♉️👆
I make tarot pick-a-card readings and the occasional video on spirituality 💫💖






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